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Així és l'home que fa més de 10 anys que no es renta els cabells

per Redacció, el 30 de novembre de 2021 a les 10:47
Es fa dir Ra of Earth i és un dels gurús més famosos d'Instagram amb més de 27.000 seguidors. Difon un estil de vida basat en la meditació, el ioga i en la medicina tradicional xinesa. I no només això, sinó que rebutja utilitzar qualsevol producte químic o relacionat amb l'estètica: és per aquest motiu que fa més de 10 anys que no es renta els cabells amb sabó. Quan es vol dutxar, explica, se'n va al riu o al mar i es banya durant una estona.

A més a més, és l'impulsor d'una tècnica que fins i tot han provat alguns famosos: el #buttholesunning. I en què consisteix? Doncs en prendre el sol despullat i amb les cames cap amunt, ja que, segons aquest gurú, el nostre cul és la via més ràpida i efectiva del nostre cos per absorbir vitamina D. 

Evidentment, es tracta d'una tècnica sense cap base científica i que fins i tot pot ser perillosa. De fet, l'actor Josh Brolin es va cremar el sòl pèlvic posant en pràctica aquest mètode. Sigui com sigui, el cert és que cada dia hi ha més persones que se sumen a l'estil de vida que difon el Ra of Earth.

Plug into the Ethernet of the cosmos. The calendar most of us use, tracks the earth’s rotation around the sun. We most remind ourself that the sun is also rotating around the galaxy. And just like we experience seasonal changes in our year. The sun also experiences galactic energetic seasons. In order to keep our software the most upgraded we want to plug in by exposing the melanin in our skin, hair and eyes to this electric nodal point to download the current daily codes.

Una publicación compartida de I am Ɍ Δ:Human Teacher/Student (@ra_of_earth) el


As the hair are antennas. The most important parts are the tips! Through the tips come cosmic force, spiraling in through the melanin, into the nervous system into the pineal gland that takes response with melatonin, which will get transmuted into varying powers in the body, including cellular regeneration, physical alignment, energetic capabilities, supernatural sensation, informational downloads, connection to dream realm(most commonly comprehended), and concious connection to other dimensions. 3 years of untrimmed hair will begin to offer these above benefits at grand levels. The tips must remain healthy. Most people cut the tips because they assume it makes the hair grow longer. What is actually happening, is if the hair is unhealthy or battered, split ends happen. And as the hair splits it keeps breaking. So the hair is growing, but the spit ends keep breaking. So it appears the hair isn’t growing. When they cut the split ends. The hair stops breaking as much and the hair will grow longer. This is a bandaid, it will eventually start breaking again, and then cuts usually are the choice. The tips of the hair are valuable technology. To prevent breaking, thus the need for unnecessary cutting: put oil on the tips a few times a week(this isn’t necessary if you are healthy and take care of your hair, i haven’t had to use oil). Oils like jojoba, almond, or a mix of known essential oils that help. Keep oil in hair for 2 hours then you may shower, to rinse, or leave in. I also have super food supper specifically for hair in my bio link. (Click superfoods, then “hair, skin, nails). But the main, point here is to bring awareness to hair technology. And if you want maximum benefit: let the hair grow, and take care of it!

Una publicación compartida de I am Ɍ Δ:Human Teacher/Student (@ra_of_earth) el


I once read about a study where they took people’s hair, and saved it in a container. If the person developed a disease the piece of their hair would also develop the disease. It didn’t matter how far away the person was from the detached peace of hair. There are other similar studies done like this having to do with tissue samples separated from the human. And these effects were measured up to 6 months after being separated from the body (then experiment ended). These all make me wonder how things like hair, fingernails, ejaculate, and menstrual blood affect our selves once they leave us. I always do the best I can to build myself with components that are closest to source. Breathing air produced by plants not ventilation units, light from the sun not fluorescent bulbs, and fully charged living food. And I try the best I can to shed myself back to nature. Cause even the thought of my biocharged urine floating around in rivers of sewage under the city makes me a little uneasy. #haircare #naturalremedies #holistichealth #torsionfield #menshair #tarzan #mowgli #mrturk My hair always gets put outside in the wind. Be mindful of where you throw your fields of energy as they are, probably, still connected to you and will interact with other fields they come into contact with. Women, do your moon juice the honor of acquainting it with soil instead of the ivory bowl. You can even feed it to your plants or drink it: for super powers. Definitely if you are gardening: sprout your seeds in it.

Una publicación compartida de I am Ɍ Δ:Human Teacher/Student (@ra_of_earth) el

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