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Mor la influencer i cantant Brax als 21 anys

per NacióDigital, el 7 de novembre de 2020 a les 12:24
Brax, rapera i influencer nord-americana molt coneguda pels joves en les xarxes socials, ha mort a l'edat de 21 anys. En el moment de la seva mort, la jove estava treballant en dos nous discos i diverses novel·les. Així ho ha confirmat Letricia Loftin, la seva mare, a través d'Instagram, sense revelar la causa de la seva mort.

"El nostre àngel, Braxton Blue.B Baker ha ascendit. En el moment del seu ascens, jeia de forma sagrada. No hi havia rascades, no hi havia blaus, el seu ésser intern i extern era completament pur. Va ser un alliberament espiritual. Déu va recuperar a l'àngel que ens va prestar", ha escrit Loftin a Instagram.


Our angel, Braxton Blue.B Baker has ascended. At the time of her ascendance she laid in sacred form. There were no scratches there were no bruises, her internal and external being was completely pure. It was a spiritual release. God retrieved the angel He loaned us. Braxton was in spiritual retreat, carefully crafting and curating her art. She has since dedicated her art to humanity and healing, composing two albums and three novels. Most recently she was in the process of forming her brand merging her loves for fashion, and the work of Black queer revolutionary womxn. Braxton knew that God was working through her, she had “vessel” and “gifted” permanently placed on her body. She knew that her brilliance and art would be shared with the world in God’s timing. This is just the beginning, our whole beings are dedicated to sharing her sacred art with the world. Braxton emphasized, “I’m just delivering God’s message, I’m here and it’s all beyond me. My purpose is way way far greater than me.” ***We do not own the rights to this music*** but the art that is coming is a gift to the world.

Una publicación compartida de Letricia Loftin Russell (@letricia.loftin) el

"Braxton estava en un retir espiritual, elaborant i fent acuradament el seu art. Des de llavors, ha dedicat el seu art a la humanitat i la curació, component dos àlbums i escrivint tres novel·les. Més recentment, estava en el procés de formar la seva marca fusionant, el seu amor per la moda i la seva feina revolucionària com a dona negra queer", ha conclòs.
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